Theology > Historical Issues > The Ecumenical Movement

The Ecumenical Movement

   Ecumenism, as a constant process of innovation, has, during the course of nearly a century, taken some particularly bold steps, unprecedented in the history of Christianity.
    The following are the most important:
     1. The encyclical of 1920, whereby the Church of Constantinople initiated the entry of Orthodoxy into the community of syncretistic ecumenism.
     2. The calendar change of 1924.
     3. The founding, in 1948, of the World Council of Churches, the principal institutional organ of ecumenism, in which Orthodox Churches participate as “organic members.”
     4. The Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), which inaugurated Roman Catholic ecumenism in two directions: inter-Christian and interfaith.
     5. The development of ecumenism towards non-Christian religions, which has made very rapid progress, especially since the 1970s, and which fosters interfaith syncretism.
     6. The “Balamand Union” of 1993, on the basis of which, in the context of the official Orthodox-Roman Catholic dialogue, the innovating Orthodox ecumenists recognized Roman Catholicism as a Sister Church in the full sense of the term.
    The ecumenists, by virtue of their participation in these syncretistic proceedings, constantly flout their relationship with “the glorious and venerable rule of our Tradition” (St. Clement of Rome).



A Revealing Passage in a Recent Book by a Roman Catholic Author Concerning the Planned Union Between Orthodox and Roman Catholics in 1970 (English pdf, 521 KB; Greek pdf, 354 KB)

Разоблачающая публикація въ новой книгѣ римокатолическаго писателя объ Уніи православныхъ - римокатоликовъ въ 1970 г. (Russian pdf, 384 KB)

Orthodox Catholicity or Papocentric Globalism? (English pdf, 396 KB; Greek pdf, 221 KB; Russian pdf, 246 KB)

An “Orthodox” Bishop and a Militant Ecumenist: The Real “Orthodox” Image of Metropolitan Aimilianos of Selyvria (Greek pdf, 89 KB)
   - by Mr. John Kornarakis, Professor of Pastoral Psychology Emeritus at the University of Athens

• “The Dialogue of Love”:
   - Part I: "The Circulation of the ‘Currency’ of Love" (Greek pdf, 119 KB)
   - Part II: “The Meetings in Jerusalem, Constantinople, and Rome” (Greek pdf, 168 KB)
   - By Archimandrite Spyridon S. Bilalis (†)

“Official Visits by Ecumenist Orthodox Hierarchs to the ‘Sister Church’ of Rome” (Greek pdf, 1313 KB)
   - By Archimandrite Cyprian and Hieromonk Klemes Agiokyprianitai

The Third Visit of the Ecumenist Patriarch Bartholomew to the Vatican (English pdf, 112 KB; Greek pdf, 92 KB; Russian pdf, 278 KB)

• “Concerning the Joint Prayer of the Patriarch and the Pope”:
   - Part I (English pdf, 165 KB; Greek pdf, 218 KB)
   - Part II (English pdf, 208 KB; Greek pdf, 240 KB)

“A Broadening of Orthodox ‘Overtures’ to the Vatican” (Greek pdf, 259 KB)

“The Visit of the Pope to Greece: A Colossal Ecclesiastical and Historical Blunder” (English pdf, 102 KB; Greek pdf, 92 KB)

“The Papal Pilgrimage to Greece and the ‘Adoration’ of the Pope” (English pdf, 137 KB; Greek pdf, 194 KB)

“The Patriarchate of Constantinople Continues to Support the WCC” (Greek pdf, 108 KB)
Yet again, Patriarch Bartholomew fails to “teach aright the word of truth”

“The ‘Ecumenical Orientation’ in Theological Education Is Constantly Gaining Ground” (Greek pdf, 99 KB)
Disquiet regarding de-emphasis on the Church and the Fathers in Orthodox theology

“Increasing Anxieties over the Ecumenist Perspective in Orthodox Theological Education” (Greek pdf, 124KB)
Metropolitan Damaskinos of Switzerland is playing a pioneering rôle in the “formation of a theology with ecumenical dimensions”

“The Vatican and the WCC: An Appeal by Patriarch Bartholomew” (Greek pdf, 110 KB)
The Vatican and the WCC: The two “sister communities of Churches” and the “frivolity of the Orthodox ecumenists”

The Balamand Union - A Victory of Vatican Diplomacy (Russian pdf, 440 KB)

The Official Visit of Patriarch Bartholomew to Sweden (20-31 August 1993) (Greek pdf, 453 KB)


“A Bold Initiative by Moscow: The ‘Interfaith Council of Russia’” (English pdf, 20 KB; Greek pdf, 142 KB)
Alarming steps towards a “World Council of Religions”
The heresy of the syncretistic “common service” of Orthodoxy, Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism is given institutional form for the first time in an Orthodox country

“The Vatican Energetically Promotes Coöperation Between Different Religions” (Greek pdf, 107 KB)
Yet another “international religious congress”
A new step in the journey which began in Assisi in 1986

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